Conscious parents are the foundation of thriving children and healthy communities. We can all benefit from being more conscious as individuals so we are able to fully connect with, understand, empower and evolve within ourselves. Once we understand more about our own childhood ‘triggers’ and needs, we can be more present to support and allow our children the time and space they need to evolve. If we can learn to regulate our emotions as parents, we can help our children to thrive through co-regulation and later onto self-regulation.
We believe that we all have the ability within to enhance all aspects of our lives through awareness. We follow a process of learning that provides skills to unlock the inner essence of who we are, which allows us to tap into our innate abilities. Through mindfulness and conscious awareness, parents enhance their skills of dealing with stressful moments, so that deeper connections are developed rather than further disconnection.
We take parents on a journey of self-discovery, and a fresh look at parenting the child that they have been blessed with. Many parenting styles will provide a ‘one size fits all’ approach, but we believe each child is unique, as is each parent and family. Conscious Parenting will assist you in creating the connected, calm and communicative family environment you desire.
As parents, we wish we had the opportunity to develop these skills when our children were younger. Consciousness is the greatest gift we can share for an ever-changing world.
We offer a variety of support options for parents
Our 1:1 Parent Coaching sessions are available both here in Bali, and online via Zoom/Messenger or WhatsApp. Parent Coaching can be as short as 4 weekly sessions, or run for as long as a year. We work with you to tailor a plan that suits the specific needs of you and your family.
Our 8 hour Conscious Parenting Course can be implemented both in Bali and in other overseas locations, including Australia. We will also offer it shortly as an online course.
We are available to speak at child care centres, schools, libraries, and health/community centres. We offer a one hour talk introducing the model and benefits of Conscious Parenting. This talk provides an overview of our 8 hour course.
If you would like any further information about any of our parenting support services, please contact us on the CONTACT PAGE.
One of the most challenging and complex issues facing humanity today is our growing dependence on digital technology. The statistics are nothing short of frightening from all corners of the globe. For example: 13.4 million Australians now spend 18.8 hours per day online; the first inpatient facility for treating internet addiction in the US opened in 2013; China has opened 300 teenage boot camps imposing a strict digital detox to deal with increasing problems of teen internet addiction and computer addiction. (Digital Detox Research)
We offer both family and individual support to create a sustainable plan using conscious practices around the use of digital technologies. Small, conscious actions can lead to big results. As parents, we must role model the sustainable and balanced use of technology to our children. Our goal is to build conscious connections for all.
Join us, along with your family in our beautiful Bali location to participate in a ‘digital detox’ week of 5 x ½ days. You and your family will spend time with your guides, learning how to recognise the signs of internet/social media dependence and addiction, as well as developing creative ways to plan family connection time and a healthy balance for everyone.
We offer 1:1 support for adults and teens to reclaim their lives and develop a more balanced approach to the use of digital technologies. Let us help you develop strategies to ensure that you live your life fully, and are aware of the signs of internet/social media dependence. Our 1:1 Digital Wellness Coaching sessions are available both here in Bali, and online via Zoom/Messenger or WhatsApp
Please contact us for further information.
The world of education is all about connection. However many educators today feel disconnected and emotionally isolated. Teaching is a demanding and highly stressful profession. It is also one that brings great joy and service to so many. At its core is human relationships, and a willingness to give of themselves wholeheartedly, often at the expense of their own wellbeing.
Teacher stress is on the rise dramatically worldwide. Statistics from the 2018 Teacher Wellbeing Index in the UK currently show that
In Australia, the outlook is not much better with over half of teachers reporting symptoms of anxiety and 1 in 5 teachers suffering various stages of burnout and depression. Statistics from The Guardian in 2018 report that the number of teachers seeking mental health support rose by 35%. The effects of this can be seen in our classrooms, as teachers struggle to deal with the ever increasing demands of the profession. A teacher suffering early stages of depression and burnout will find it difficult to be fully present in their work and connected to their students. Improving the strategies and tools teachers have to take care of themselves, as well as understanding the implications of stress on their physical and emotional health, in their relationships and their personal lives, will make a difference.
We support educators to connect to themselves, understand their own needs, empower their lives and reconnect with the joy of teaching utilising mindfulness strategies and other conscious tools. Once this becomes an evolved personal practice, educators can role model this process with their students, colleagues and learning communities.
We are passionate about this issue, as we have both suffered from work-related stress during our teaching and school leadership careers. We believe teachers and school leaders need much more support.
We provide the following services to support our educators to be change agents for themselves and their communities:
We work to empower teachers with knowledge, strategies and tools to take care of themselves. We assist teachers to develop an understanding of the implications of stress on their physical and emotional health, in their relationships and their personal lives. We help teachers to find joy again in this increasingly demanding profession.
Teachers are often dealing with their own stress and trauma today, and this can impact us in classroom situations. We take teachers on an explorative journey into their own needs and values, to assist in understanding the increasingly complex needs of our students. We share ways to make our classrooms calmer and more connected, allowing both students and teachers to have their needs met during the school day and year.
We work with schools to develop policies and programs designed to improve school culture and the wellbeing of all school community members. Our Model of Consciousness is used to guide school leaders and school boards through a process of identifying strategies that are working well within the school to authentically support school staff and students. We survey school community members to find out what is needed to evolve the school wellbeing culture into a place where all school community members feel valued, respected and cared for.
Our 1:1 Educator Coaching sessions are available both here in Bali, and online via Zoom/Messenger or WhatsApp. Educator Coaching can be as short as 4 weekly sessions, or run for as long as a year. We work with you to tailor a plan that suits your specific needs.
After working with children for over 30 years in many different school settings and in two different countries, we have a dedication to providing support for children who are finding school and/or life challenging due to adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s). Using a variety of consciousness-based tools, such as Mindfulness, ACT Therapy, Growth Mindset and Self-Compassion, we work with children to ‘connect’ first and foremost, and provide a safe space for them to reconnect with themselves. One of the young men we work with has said ‘you made me feel comfortable again in my own skin’. We were so elated to hear this young man’s reflection, as all children often need is someone to listen, provide a space to develop deeper consciousness, and assist in developing strategies to make better choices. We are very passionate about providing this space for children.
We work 1:1 with children who may be experiencing social/emotional challenges due to trauma and/or stress. We provide tools to empower the development of new strategies to assist with challenging situations and behaviours. These tools develop confidence in taking risks, persistence, resilience and solving challenges.
As parents, we often find ourselves behaving in ways that go against what we really want for our families and relationships. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), is a mindfulness and values-based approach that is highly effective in reducing reactivity while helping us develop strategies and choose actions that encourage child and family wellbeing, regardless of the challenges that life throws at us. Family Therapy allows us to grow both individually and as a family unit.
We empower children with mindfulness skills to enhance self-regulation. These mindfulness tools provide children with a basis for being able to adapt to new and ever-changing environments, which our children encounter on a daily basis through technology and social interactions. Stress and trauma related behaviours can appear as: anxiety, depression, aggression, and disconnection.
We provide 1:1 or group training to assist with any stress or trauma related needs. We are able to provide strategies to assist families and children with the mindful use of technology. Please message us via our CONTACT US page to find out more about these services.
We work with couples in relationships utilizing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT Therapy) practices to support them to live their lives according to their values. This is a conscious/mindfulness-based therapy which provides a process for the exploration of unconscious behaviors, and assists in developing skills for getting “unstuck” and living the life that you want!
We both work together with couples, so that both of you can feel equally supported. It is common when relationships are strained for one partner to want to find support more than the other. Marriage counselling can sometimes seem threatening if one partner did not necessarily want to attend. Our sessions are tailored to your unique needs and we provide a non-judgemental space where you can be truly open to exploring the deepest aspects of your relationship. We work with you in a beautiful, calming space here in Bali, or we can connect with you online using Zoom or Skype.
Sometimes couples make a conscious decision to ‘decouple’. We also provide support through this challenging time. How do you look after yourself, your partner and your children when you make this decision? Often couples start off with the best of intentions for an ‘amicable split’, but find along the way emotions come into play and values can be lost amidst a sea of hurt and pain. We help couples and families develop a conscious, values-based plan so that all members of the family feel respected, and the values that you have for yourself and your family are not compromised during this time. Decoupling does not need to be the raw, painful experience that it often develops into, if we are conscious about our needs, and that of our partner and children.
If you would like to have us provide a talk or conduct a workshop, please message us via our CONTACT US page.
We have a passion for supporting professionals across all sectors. We have the ability to adapt content and services to cater for the needs of individuals and organisations. Learning opportunities can be structured for flexible delivery that provide the best possible outcomes for our learning partners.
Mindfulness skills are scientifically proven, essential tools for effective self-care and wellbeing. It has been proven to enhance focus and effectiveness in challenging roles in many diverse professions, ranging from CEO’s of companies, professional sports people, doctors, paramedics, teachers, nurses and IT professionals.
Mindfulness tools are essential for the evolution of great teams in small and large organisations. They provide the ability to understand your role and your individual strengths or challenges so as to allow you to be present in all interactions. This presence provides opportunities for essential planning, empowerment and communication to occur so that positive outcomes are achieved by individuals for their teams.
The tools of mindfulness provide the flow which is required for success, removing the roadblocks that often diminish the effectiveness of individuals and teams.
Available in person or online to empower new skills to take action towards understanding yourself and being part of fulfilling productive, efficient and dynamic teams.
Available in Bali, online or in other countries upon negotiation. Our workshops are prepared to meet your particular needs. We focus on the challenges facing teams with regards to communication, relationships, ego, and possible solutions. We provide tools to enhance the effectiveness and productivity of teams, whilst focussing on individual wellbeing as the basis for a thriving work environment. Please message us via our CONTACT US page.
The time has come for men to explore and learn how to be present in their essential relationships: with themselves, their children and their partners. Developing in consciousness enhances a man’s ability to express himself in a healthy way and to develop strategies/skills that assist in living a fulfilled, values-based life.
We have a passion for supporting the needs of men and can provide individual and group learning that is delivered through a masculine lens. This focus explores all aspects of masculinity in a vulnerable, compassionate and empathetic way. It provides the time and space for men to be open to their core strengths and challenges.
It provides opportunities for men to understand themselves in the context of the messages they have received during their lives and empowers them to unlock the man they want to be.
Being a conscious man is an awesome gift we can all share with this world. We need more men who live conscious lives for themselves and the people around them. It is time to see what it feels like to be a conscious man!
Available in person or online to empower new skills to take action towards understanding yourself and being part of fulfilling relationships.
Available in Indonesia (Bali), Australia, online or in other countries upon negotiation. Our workshops are prepared to meet your particular needs. We focus on the challenges facing men with regards to mental health, relationships, ego, and possible solutions. Please message us via our CONTACT US page.